"Special Interview" with YOSUKE YAMANE of 「AND COFFEE ROASTERS」 | cafemagazine

Coffee Break

“Special Interview” with YOSUKE YAMANE of 「AND COFFEE ROASTERS」

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“Special Interview” with YOSUKE YAMANE of 「AND COFFEE ROASTERS」


記念すべき第一回目は、熊本を代表するスペシャルティコーヒーが楽しめるお店、「AND COFFEE ROASTERS」の山根洋輔さんに、コーヒーカルチャーの事や熊本復興への想いなど伺ってきました。
ー前回の青山のコーヒーフェスでお会いして以来ですね! 今日はよろしくお願いします!!

ようこそ熊本へ! よろしくお願いします!





確かに治安は当時良くは無かったですね.. バスに乗っていたら後ろから知らない人に「10ドルくれ」とか普通に言われてましたから(笑






店名の由来は、コーヒーって仕事をしながら飲んだり家でくつろぎながらだったり、色々なシチュエーションで飲まれていて、メインのシチュエーションはお客様が持ってくるものなので、+アルファ(AND COFFEE)の存在でありたいと思い付けました。


ーお店に来るまでに、震災の爪痕を多く目にしましたが、地震の時はどのような状況でしたか? また震災から半年が過ぎたわけですが、その影響、現状は?

地震の時は立っていられない程で、棚の物はほとんど落ちました。マシン類はかなり動いてしまっていたもののギリギリ落ちずにすみ、建物も奇跡的に無傷でしたが、停電が続き2週間近く営業が出来ず困っていました。そんな時に「ONIBUS COFFEE」の坂尾篤史さんが、全国のお店に声を掛けてくださり、うちのコーヒー豆をゲストビーンズとして使って頂いたりと、たくさんの方のご好意に助けて頂きました。ロースターはプロパンなので、停電中でも豆を焙煎する事が出来たのは、本当に不幸中の幸いでした。

東京のコーヒーカルチャーに対して、地方だからといって時差を作りたくないと思っています。定期的にお店でパブリックカッピングを開催したり、全国の様々なイベントへの出店など、コーヒーに対してもっと興味を持ってもらえる活動は積極的に続けていこうと思っています。最近ではworld BrewsCupのチャンピオンの粕谷哲さんをゲストに呼んでワークショップを行いました。

それと、お店を始めた頃は一杯一杯丁寧にこだわりのスペシャルティコーヒーを提供し、「生活に彩りを」や「丁寧な暮らし」だったりという自分の中でのコンセプトがあったのですが、今回の震災を経験し、避難所の炊き出しに参加する中で、久々に暖かいコーヒーを飲まれた方々が 「コーヒーを飲むと普段の生活に戻れた気持ちになる」 などと感動して頂き、日常を代表する飲み物としてコーヒーはとても重要な存在なんだという事に気づかされました。



編集長 アドニ猪田

AND COFFEE ROASTERSPhotography & Text : Takashi Inoda

Coffee, the thing ties ‘Ordinary Everyday Happiess’.

“Special Interview” with


We interviewed with Mr.Yosuke Yamane,
serving specialty coffee represent Kumamoto prefecture.
Talked about Images of coffee culture
and recovering of Kumamoto Earthquakes.

Cafe Magazine: How have you been? I’m glad to be here.

Mr. Yamane: Thank you for coming in Kumamoto!

CM: By the way Mr.Yamane, what did you do before you open this cafe?

Y: I had been working for restaurant as a kitchen staff.

CM: The cafe’d be trusted by managed the person who has food business carrier,
I think. When do you interested in coffee?
Y: I had studied at St.Jones Univ. at Queens in United States when i was 19.
Then I had weird roommate, he didn’t attend the class till have a coffee.
Since I started have it together everyday, get into it.

CM: It was not safe at there when you were 19 years old, is it?
Y: Yes absolutely. A completely stranger asked me 10 bucks naturally when I get on a bus.
CM: What made you open the shop?
Y: The time I came back to Japan,
it’s rarely seen the shop having specialty coffee that I expected.
Then I think I do shop instead.
So, I went U.S. again, especially San Francisco, Los Angeles,
Seattle and New York, to checked out coffee shop.

CM: I’ve heard that you had been lived in Tokyo.
What made you to choose Kumamoto instead Tokyo?
Y: At the same time I decided to open the shop,
Tokyo has big cafe boom.
this is because I’d rather choose Kumamoto, I knew it’s very challenging.
And founded November 2013. Almost three years past.
CM: How about business?
Y: Kumamoto is one of the lowest coffee consumption in Japan,
people hardly take away coffee, they usually enjoy it in ‘Kissaten’.
“Kissaten: Japanese style tea room serving not only coffee
also they have variety of beverages and meals.”
so that my friends opposed my opening the cafe in here,
but now I feel cafe culture catch on here day and day.
Moreover, Kumamoto people has their own taste about food,
they can judge a shop severely. I am very pleased this situation.

CM: By the way, what does the shop name come from?
What kind of customers are the most?
Y: Since we want to be being a something extra for customers.
People enjoy coffee while they work, sometimes enjoy in cozy their home,
situations are many. Customers have it already.
That’s why we named ‘AND COFFEE’.

Our customers are mostly 20’s and 30’s, some are high school students and elders,
our shop beloved such kind of wide variety customers.

CM: Please tell us what is particular about your coffee?
Y: We serve only light roasted coffee.
This is mean we want our customers to know the emotion that coffee flavors are
formed according to sweetness and sourness comes from original coffee beans,
which I experienced in overseas.
We keep on quality up nice coffee as my ideal by trial and errors day and day.

CM: I saw many traces of the damage cause of Kumamoto Earthquake,
how’s the situation at that time? It’s six months has passed, how it goes?

Y: It’s hard to stand still when it happened.
Most of all goods that on shelf are fallen. Luckily,
machines and building are not getting damaged.
But we had difficulty in opening shop around two weeks caused of a power failure.
At the time, we were helped by Mr. Atsushi Sakao, chief of ‘Onibus Coffee’,
he made shop masters all of Japan to help us using our original coffee beans
as a ‘guest beans’.
These kind and considerate regard for ours are very helpful.
Luckily, we could roast beans under the power failure,
since roaster works by propane gas.

Some shops my neighbors were forced to quit their job in reduction of tourists.
There are still many people staying in shelters,
and that makes us think what we can do for them.
Now, we serve free coffee in shelters as a volunteer.
CM: Any plan to do in the future?
Y: We want to catch up Coffee culture of Tokyo even we’re in local.
We energetically working for well knowing a coffee,
hold a in-store ‘public cupping’ regularly,
also set up a booth at the various events all over Japan.
Recently, We invited Mr.Tetsu Kasuya,
Champion of World BrewsCup as the guest for holding workshop.

At the beginning, when we started, we had concepts for serving the specialty coffee,
for good life or gracious life. But after we went through the disaster,
we served free coffee at shelters,
coffee made us to think it’s much valuable thing our daily life,
since people in shelters thanked us for having hot coffee brings them back to ordinary life.

From now on, we present rather unassuming tasty coffee such as reminds
daily happiness than specialty coffee from here, ‘Kumamoto’.

I was recognized that coffee is not just beverage,
the positive things that unite the happiness of our ordinary life at this interview.
And I’d feel the new culture made fresh as cup of coffee,
the reason I start our site ‘CAFE MAGAZINE’.

CAFE magazine
Chief Editor: Adoni Inoda
English subtitle: Hisato


Shop Information↓